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How to get to Heidelberg Palace


Heidelberg Castle
69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Getting there

By public transport: from Heidelberg central station, take bus line 33 or bus line 20 to the stop
Bergbahn. Take the Bergbahn (funicular railway) to Schloss (Castle) station.

Please note:
Until further notice, Neue Schlossstraße is closed to vehicles between the Schlossberg and Graimbergweg sections. Access to the castle is not possible. The Neue Schlossstraße can still be used as a footpath and cycle path.

The following alternative routes are available for vehicles:
- Hausackerweg
- Klingenteichstraße
- Gaiberger Weg

Please note:
The Heidelbergman Triathlon will take place on Sunday, July 28, 2024. As a result, sections of the designated detour routes to the castle via Molkekurweg and Klingenteichstraße will be completely closed from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. This also affects the Neue Schloßstraße bus parking lot. The public parking lot at the castle can still be reached via Hausackerweg during this period.

Map of the closed section of road