The hard-drinking jesterCourt jester Perkeo
The small Perkeo was Prince-Elector Carl Philipp von der Pfalz's court jester in the early 18th century. His pranks and love of wine made him famous; a cup of water supposedly killed him.
Perkeo, whose name was actually Clemens Pankert, was steward and cup-bearer to the prince-elector. He was responsible for the royal wine stores. However, this diminutive man from Salorno himself consumed an enormous amount of wine. Asked if he would like to throw back another cup of wine, Perkeo always answered in Italian, "Perché no?" – "Why not?", which is how he got his famous nickname.
According to legend, Perkeo could empty the (Great) Heidelberg Tun, containing approximately 200,000 liters, in a single gulp. Surprisingly, it was not his great wine consumption that supposedly killed him, but rather the accidental consumption of a cup of water.
Prince-Elector Carl Philipp met Perkeo when he was vicegerent of Tyrol. Fascinated by his diminutive size, his quick wit, and his ability to hold his drink, he brought him back to Heidelberg in 1718, to entertain the court. Perkeo's pranks charmed court society so much that a monument was built in his honor while he was still alive.
A wooden statue of Perkeo still watches over the barrel cellar and anyone who approaches the (Great) Heidelberg Tun! Do you dare climb up the barrel?